Panasonic ProClub - Online manual
Manage End Users Requests
IMPORTANT: End Users ONLY can submit Warranty Extension requests if this function is enabled at the landing page THIS IS A NEW FEATURE ONLY AVAILABLE UNDER EACH COUNTRY REQUEST.

Check requests sent by end user

Keyusers can Approve/Deny the 'Commissioning requests' sent by end users (in the Landing page for End USers) at 'Service' -> 'Check Requests'.



By clicking on '  ', you will be able to see/edit information regarding end users warranty requests ( )





As Keyuser, you will be able to modify:

IMPORTANT!: Keyusers can modify ALL the details of a Warranty Request from the Admin Area:

  • Modify personal data
  • Replace Product Reference and Serial Number by clicking on 'Edit units' (This feature is not available for PRO Club users).
  • Replace attached documentation by clicking on 'Edit documentation' (This feature is not available for PRO Club users).

To make this possible a button 'SAVE' is enabled. Requests submitted are not validated or checked in any way, it is the entire Keyuser responsability to check, and validate the requests. The platform assumes that all modifications performed by a Keyuser are 100% valid.

  • First, Keyuser SAVES the request ('as is' or with its corrections if necessary)
  • Then, Keyuser selects the status ACCEPTED, and clicks PROCESS


End user's request ACCEPTED


If the request is correct (data and attached documentation are correct) the Keyuser should accept the request. Before clicking 'PROCESS', Keyuser has to:

1. Choose which kind of warranty keyuser wants to grant to end user. To do so, keyuser has to choose the 'Type of Warranty' from the dropdown menu and press 'SAVE' button.

2. Change the status to 'Accepted'.

When clicking on the button 'PROCESS', 2 notifications are sent automatically (one to the end user and the other to the ProPartner) stating that the request has been accepted by Panasonic, and the PDF of the warranty is attached to the email.


End user's request DENIED


If keyuser decides to deny the request and clicks 'PROCESS', only one email notification will be sent to ProPartner informing the that his/her customer's request has been denied. End user in this case doesn't receive any notification so it will have to be the keyuser or the ProPartner who will communicate it to end user (by sending him/her an email). End user only will be able to see if his/her request has been denied by checking the request status on the landing page.

End Users are not able to modify on their own a Warranty Registration that was submitted by themselves. No matter if it is correct or modifications are needed. If this happens, there are 2 ways to proceed:

  • Panasonic denies the request. End User must fill a NEW request form.
  • Panasonic communicates by email with the End User. This takes place out of Pro Club. Key User modifies the request on behalf of the End USer, click SAVE and ACCEPT.


Request EXTRA Warranty (X Year Warranty + Y Extra Years)


When user enters the microsite to download his/her X Year Warranty, he is offered the possibility to request Y EXTRA Years. When clicking on this option, a MESSAGE will appear with a description of how to proceed to request the EXTRA Y years. This process takes place out of PRO Club (ie. check that the payment was received, documents needed...).


Keyuser, in order to validate the Extra Y years end user's request, will have to do the following steps:


Set up a Warranty Extension for End Users


Keyusers will be able to configure warranty extensions at Service -> Warranty Extension Years -> New Warranty Extension


  Keyuser can distinct the warranties for end users from the others because appear with the tag 'End User' And 'Extra End User'
When we create a new warranty extension or we edit an existing one keyusers will have to fill the following fields:


Commissioning Cards (text) - Extended Warranty for End Users (PDF text)

Keyusers will be able to create a new Commissioning Card for End User extended warranty. Here you'll have to add the text that will appear in the extended warranty PDF for end users. You can do it by following these steps:

Go to Service -> Commissioning Cards -> New Commissioning Card

Product range: Select the range 'End user'

Warranty type: Select 'Warranty Extension - Years'

Distributor without warranty: This is the text that will be displayed on the PDF.

Distributor with warranty: This text won't be displayed in the PDF (In the case of extended warranties for end users, this field is disabled).



Commissioning documentation


Keyusers can decide which documentation end users must attach to the warranty request form. They can create/edit this documentation at 'Service' -> 'Commissioning documentation' ->'New Commissioning documentation'. A tag 'End user' will appear on the documentation that appears on the end user warranty request form:

The following information will be required to keyusers when creating 'New commissioning documentation' (which appears on the End User Warranty request form):


Notifications by email

In this section you can customize the subject and the message of automatic email notifications sent by Panasanic to users during different stages of the process and it's located at 'Service' -> 'Notifications by email'.

By clicking the icon , you can edit the subject and the message of the notification.


Types of email notifications:

End User's new request sent to PROPartner: When end user requests the extended warranty, a notification is sent to the PROPartner.

Request accepted email sent to PROPartner: End User extended warranty request has been accepted,. A notification is sent to the ProPartner.

Request accepted email sent to End User: End User extended warranty request has been accepted,. A notification is sent to the End User.

Request canceled email sent to PROPartner: End User has canceled his/her extended warranty. A notification is sent to PROPartner.




Remember to use the allowed tags (appearing on top) when you refer to end user's name, propartner's name and landing page URL.

See Also